Peter Kessels
- Age 57
- Employed since 2016, previously worked as a charter driver for 19 years
- Married, father of a grown-up daughter, cycling and cafe terrace lover (preferably in combination)
- “You need to get up early for this work”

What’s driving with a conditioned trailer like?
“I go on journeys over several days that take me all over Germany. At first, I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to sleep in the cabin next to a cooled trailer because of the noise, but I got used to it after a week or two.
Now I wake up sometimes and wonder, ‘Is it still running?!’”
Would you recommend this work?
“You need to have an affinity for this work, it isn’t for everyone. You have to get up early because you usually leave in the middle of the night. But you do get paid well, and they’re very flexible at Daemen. If something comes up, even in your private life, they’re very helpful. You are taken care of very well, even in busy periods.
Personally, I love the variation. Every day really is different. And I love chatting with colleagues.”
Hit the road, Jack?
Or Karen or Bill…
Do you like what you see? Great, let’s plan the route to your new job together. You can just call Frank.
This is his number: